Raw Diamond Rings Guide

Understanding Raw Diamonds

Raw diamonds, also known as uncut or rough diamonds, are a fascinating and unique choice for those seeking a truly one-of-a-kind piece of jewelry. Unlike polished diamonds, raw diamonds have not undergone the cutting and polishing process that enhances their brilliance, clarity, and overall appearance. This means that each raw diamond retains its natural beauty, showcasing a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. In this section, we’ll delve into the characteristics of raw diamonds and how they differ from their polished counterparts.

Characteristics of Raw Diamonds

Raw diamonds are found in their natural state within the Earth’s crust, formed over millions of years deep within the Earth’s mantle. They can vary greatly in size, shape, and color, and may contain flaws or impurities. Some raw diamonds even come in unique shapes such as octahedron, dodecahedron, or flat shapes. This makes each raw diamond truly unique, offering a distinct and individual look for those who choose to incorporate them into their jewelry.

One interesting fact about raw diamonds is that polishing a diamond can reduce its size by up to 50% due to the removal of excess material. This means that a raw diamond ring may feature a larger stone than a polished diamond ring of the same carat weight.

Raw Diamonds vs Polished Diamonds

The main difference between raw and polished diamonds lies in their appearance. Polished diamonds undergo a cutting and polishing process that enhances their brilliance, clarity, and overall appearance. This process can involve cutting the diamond into specific shapes, such as round, princess, or cushion cuts, and polishing the facets to create a stunning sparkle.


Raw diamonds, on the other hand, are left in their natural state, showcasing their inherent beauty without any alterations. This results in a more organic, earthy look that appeals to those who appreciate the natural world and want to incorporate it into their jewelry.

Choosing Raw Diamonds

When selecting a raw diamond for your ring, it’s essential to consider factors such as size, shape, and color. While raw diamonds may not have the same sparkle as polished diamonds, they still possess a unique charm that can be just as captivating.

It’s also important to consider the ethical implications of your diamond choice. The diamond industry has faced criticism and controversy over issues such as conflict diamonds and price-fixing. By choosing a raw diamond from a reputable source, you can help support ethical and sustainable practices in the diamond trade. One such example is Brilliant Earth, which focuses on providing ethically sourced diamonds and gemstones.

In conclusion, raw diamonds offer a unique and captivating alternative to traditional polished diamonds. By understanding their characteristics and choosing a reputable source, you can create a truly one-of-a-kind piece of jewelry that reflects your individual style and values.

Sourcing and Ethics of Raw Diamonds

Raw diamonds, also known as uncut or rough diamonds, are a unique and ethically complex aspect of the diamond trade. With their natural beauty and distinct characteristics, raw diamonds have become increasingly popular in jewelry design. However, sourcing these precious stones ethically is of utmost importance to ensure a responsible and sustainable industry.

Tracing the Origins of Raw Diamonds

The global diamond trade is worth billions of dollars, with diamonds being mined in various countries such as Russia, Botswana, Canada, and Australia. The G7 nations have pledged to work towards implementing measures that prevent Russian-origin rough diamonds from entering their markets due to the ongoing geopolitical tensions. This has led to increased scrutiny on the origin of diamonds and the need for detailed declarations at customs.

The Kimberley Process (KP) and the System of Warranties (SoW) are initiatives aimed at improving transparency and accountability in the diamond supply chain. These measures help prevent the trade of conflict diamonds, also known as blood diamonds, which are mined in war zones and sold to finance armed conflict against governments. However, the KP doesn’t account for human-rights violations such as those being carried out in Ukraine, and the SoW relies heavily on trust. As a result, it is crucial for consumers to be vigilant when purchasing raw diamonds and to prioritize ethical sourcing.

Choosing Ethically Sourced Raw Diamonds

When searching for raw diamonds, it’s essential to look for retailers and designers who prioritize ethical sourcing and transparency in their supply chain. One way to ensure this is by choosing companies that adhere to the guidelines set by the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC). The RJC has updated its System of Warranties to include business practices pertaining to human and labor rights, anti-money laundering, and anti-corruption.

For instance, HuffPost’s list of lab-grown diamond jewelers for inspiration.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to sourcing raw diamonds, it’s crucial to prioritize ethical considerations and ensure transparency in the supply chain. By choosing ethically sourced raw diamonds or opting for lab-grown alternatives, you can enjoy the beauty of these unique stones while supporting a responsible and sustainable industry. Remember, your choices as a consumer have the power to shape the future of the diamond trade and promote ethical practices.

Designing Raw Diamond Rings

Raw diamond rings are a captivating choice for those who appreciate the natural beauty of diamonds in their unrefined state. The design process for these unique pieces emphasizes the organic shape and texture of the diamond, resulting in a one-of-a-kind piece of jewelry that stands out from traditional diamond rings. In this section, we’ll explore the fascinating world of designing raw diamond rings and offer some advice for those considering this unconventional style.

Embracing the Natural Beauty

When designing raw diamond rings, jewelers prioritize the inherent characteristics of the diamond over traditional cuts and shapes. This approach allows the natural beauty of the diamond to shine through, resulting in a truly unique piece of jewelry. Raw diamonds come in various colors, including gray, black, yellow, and brown, providing a wide range of options for those seeking a distinctive look.

Choosing the Perfect Setting

The setting plays a crucial role in enhancing the raw diamond’s natural appearance. Designers often opt for simple, minimalistic settings that allow the diamond to take center stage. Popular choices include bezel, prong, and tension settings, which provide a secure hold while showcasing the diamond’s unique shape and texture.

Pairing with Other Gemstones

Raw diamond rings can be further enhanced by pairing them with other gemstones, such as labradorite, moonstone, or even polished diamonds. This unconventional approach creates a striking contrast between the raw diamond and the other gemstones, resulting in a truly one-of-a-kind piece.

Considering Metal Options

The choice of metal can also impact the overall look of a raw diamond ring. Rose gold, for example, adds a warm and romantic touch, while white gold or platinum offers a sleek and modern appearance. Yellow gold, on the other hand, provides a classic and timeless look that complements the natural hues of raw diamonds.

Seeking Inspiration from Celebrities

Celebrities such as Michael B.


Jordan, Jay-Z, and Odell Beckham Jr. have been spotted wearing raw diamond jewelry, showcasing the growing popularity of this unique style. These high-profile endorsements can serve as inspiration for those seeking to incorporate raw diamonds into their own jewelry collection.

Supporting Ethical and Sustainable Practices

Choosing a raw diamond ring can be an ethical choice that supports small-scale and artisanal mining practices. Raw diamonds are also environmentally friendly, as each one is unique and requires less processing than polished diamonds. By opting for a raw diamond ring, you can make a statement about your commitment to ethical and sustainable jewelry.

In conclusion, designing raw diamond rings is a fascinating process that prioritizes the natural beauty of the diamond over traditional cuts and shapes. By choosing a complementary setting, metal, and gemstone pairings, you can create a truly unique piece of jewelry that reflects your individual style and values. To explore a wide range of raw diamond rings, check out Etsy’s collection or visit luxury brands like Tiffany & Co. for more inspiration.

Purchasing Raw Diamond Rings

Purchasing a raw diamond ring can be an exciting and unique experience. With their natural beauty and unpolished charm, raw diamonds offer a distinctive alternative to traditional polished diamond rings. In this section, we will guide you through the process of finding and purchasing raw diamond rings, including online marketplaces and retailers.

Explore Online Marketplaces

The internet has made it easier than ever to find and purchase raw diamond rings. Online marketplaces such as Blue Nile and James Allen offer a wide range of raw diamond rings with customization options. These platforms allow you to browse through various designs, cuts, and settings, making it easy to find the perfect ring for your taste and budget.

Visit Reputable Retailers

In addition to online marketplaces, retailers such as Kay Jewelers and Zales also offer a variety of raw diamond rings in-store and online.


Visiting a physical store allows you to see the raw diamonds up close and get a better understanding of their unique characteristics. It also gives you the opportunity to consult with knowledgeable staff who can help you make an informed decision.

Consider Ethical Sourcing

As the demand for ethically-sourced diamond jewelry increases, it’s essential to consider the origin of the raw diamonds you are purchasing. Look for retailers that prioritize conflict-free mining practices and offer lab-grown diamonds as an alternative. Lab-grown diamonds are deemed to be a “perfect substitute” for natural diamonds and are a lot cheaper, making them an attractive option for those on a budget.

Choose a Trusted Retailer

When purchasing a raw diamond ring, it’s crucial to choose a trusted retailer that offers a guarantee on their products. For example, GN Diamond, a retailer dealing in natural diamonds, offers a 100% guarantee when buying natural diamond and natural-finished jewelry. This ensures that you are investing in a high-quality piece that will stand the test of time.

Embrace Hybrid Diamond Jewelry

Hybrid diamond jewelry, featuring both natural and lab-grown diamonds, is emerging as a new jewelry category. This innovative trend allows you to enjoy the best of both worlds, combining the beauty of natural diamonds with the affordability of lab-grown diamonds.

In conclusion, purchasing a raw diamond ring can be a rewarding experience if you know where to look and what to consider. By exploring online marketplaces, visiting reputable retailers, considering ethical sourcing, choosing a trusted retailer, and embracing hybrid diamond jewelry, you can find the perfect raw diamond ring to suit your taste and budget. Happy shopping!

Caring for Raw Diamond Rings

Caring for your raw diamond ring is essential to ensure its longevity and maintain its natural beauty. Unlike polished diamonds, raw diamonds have unique characteristics that require special attention. In this section, we’ll discuss some practical tips and advice on how to properly care for your raw diamond ring.

Keep it Clean

Regular cleaning is crucial for maintaining the sparkle of your raw diamond ring. Gently clean your ring with a soft toothbrush and mild soap to remove dirt, oils, and residue. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials, as they can damage the diamond and the metal setting. For a professional cleaning, consider visiting a reputable jeweler, such as Kalyan Jewellers, who can provide expert care for your precious piece.

Protect from Damage

Although diamonds are known for their hardness, raw diamonds can still be susceptible to chipping and scratches. To prevent damage, remove your ring during activities that may expose it to impact or abrasion, such as gardening, sports, or heavy lifting. Store your raw diamond ring in a separate compartment or pouch to avoid contact with other jewelry pieces that may cause scratches.


Avoid Exposure to Harsh Conditions

Exposure to extreme temperatures, humidity, and chemicals can negatively affect your raw diamond ring. Remove your ring before swimming, bathing, or using cleaning products to prevent damage to the diamond and the metal setting. Additionally, avoid wearing your ring in environments with high heat or humidity, as these conditions can cause the metal to tarnish or weaken.

Regular Inspections

Inspect your raw diamond ring regularly for any signs of damage or wear, such as loose prongs or bent settings. If you notice any issues, visit a professional jeweler for repair services. Regular inspections can help you catch potential problems early and prevent further damage to your ring.

Insurance and Appraisals

Consider insuring your raw diamond ring to protect your investment. Obtain an appraisal from a certified gemologist to determine the accurate value of your ring. Keep in mind that the value of raw diamonds, such as Herkimer diamonds, may depreciate over time, so it’s essential to update your appraisal periodically.

Caring for your raw diamond ring is a simple yet crucial task that ensures the longevity and beauty of your precious piece. By following these tips, you can enjoy the unique charm and allure of your raw diamond ring for years to come. Remember, a well-cared-for raw diamond ring not only maintains its value but also serves as a symbol of love and commitment that can be cherished for generations.

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